A “dead star” is the remnants of a celestial being that has shed its outer layers, leaving behind a mesmerizing core. A “dead star” possesses magnetic charisma, attracting and illuminating the universe around it.

We are Dead Star Theatre Co.

What’s Happening…

The Death of The Living Club


Recording The Death of The Living Club Album: How We All Survive…

We are thrilled to announce Dead Star Theatre Co.'s inaugural project, the recording of our highly anticipated album, The Death of The Living Club With great glowing pride, we reveal that our Indiegogo campaign has successfully raised over 80% of our fundraising goal—a resounding testament to our incredible supporters. Thanks to the unwavering support of our community, The Death of The Living Club album recording is set to exceed all expectations. Your generosity and belief in our vision have been instrumental in making this dream a reality. We express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to our Indiegogo campaign, as well as those who continue to champion our artistic endeavors.

Head to our album page to find out more!